DOWNLOAD: Sunnypraise Adoga – Ohonyeta [Mp3, Lyrics & Video]

Sunnypraise Adoga, Spirit of Victory
Sunnypraise Adoga, Spirit of Victory
Track No:11
Year of Release: 2020
Origination Country: Nigeria
Album:Spirit of Victory
Tracks: 16 songs

Sunnypraise Adoga – Ohonyeta

“Ohonyeta” is a beautiful and powerful gospel song by Nigerian singer and songwriter Sunnypraise Adoga. It is sung in the Idoma language, and the title means “Saviour” or “Deliverer.” The song is a declaration of faith in God’s saving power, and it encourages listeners to trust in Him even in the midst of trials and tribulations.

The song begins with a simple but effective melody, and Adoga’s vocals are both soulful and uplifting. He sings about how God has saved him from many dangers and challenges in life, and how He has always been faithful to him. He also acknowledges that there will be times when he faces difficulties, but he expresses his confidence that God will always see him through.

The song ends with a repetition of the chorus. Adoga sings about how God is the only one who can truly save and deliver us. He encourages listeners to call upon God in their time of need, and to trust in His power to see them through.

“Ohonyeta” is a timely and relevant song in today’s world, where many people are facing challenges and difficulties. It is a reminder that God is always with us, and that He is our only true hope and salvation. The song is also a call to worship and praise God for His saving power.


Overall, “Ohonyeta” is a beautiful and powerful gospel song that is sure to uplift and inspire listeners. It is a song that is worth listening to again and again.

LYRICS: Sunnypraise Adoga
– Ohonyeta


Oh’onyeta eee… (Deliverer)
Ada k’um o… (My Father)
Awo chika ma o… (You alone are worthy)
Oh’onyeta eee… (Deliverer)
Ada k’um o… (My Father)
Awo gbe fiedu ma o… (You are the greatest) [x2]

[Verse 1]
Onunu likwu gw’o (He who fights and conquers death)
Ogbenjuwa k’u Jerusalem (Upholder of Jerusalem)
Aleya gam e o…o.. (You have done for me, o..)
Oyalela lo (He who wins for us)
Ada no ya n’owo geha (The Father that makes rain falls)
Nk’ochedu lebawo no (I say nobody is like unto You
Mma’e no… (I have not seen)
Oblututu, (He who runs and throws up dust)
Omanyamanya ne le j’obiga (The mighty one is known by his greatness)
Ola,manya,manya,manya,manya,manya,manya,manya, (Bright and hot fire)
Owonya lebawo ke? (What other God is like unto You?)
Nm’enochi g’enone, (From North to South)
Nmaboji g’ogebe, (From East to West)
Awofofunu ne o… (You are the only One)

Oh’onyeta eee… (Deliverer)
Ada k’um o… (My Father)
Awo chika ma o… (You alone are worthy)
Oh’onyeta eee… (Deliverer)
Ada k’um o… (My Father)
Awo gbe fiedu ma o… (You are the greatest) [x2]

Oh’onyeta eee… (Deliverer)
Ada k’um o… (My Father)
[Inyil’owo Inyil’owo] (Star, Star)
Awo chika ma o… (You alone are worthy)
[Oj’ola l’alo lemebe] (Who gives us light to see)
Oh’onyeta eee… (Deliverer)
[Oh’ofieta] (Deliverer of the slave)
Ada k’um o… (My Father)
Awo gbe fiedu ma o… (You are the greatest) [x2]

[Verse 2]
Oche k’aoche, (King of kings)
Ada k’aada, (Father of fathers)
Owo k’aowo (Lord of lords)
Owo noj’aowo k’ijipiti fiakata (The God who scattered the gods of Egypt)
Owo k’ewo dudu (God of all nations)
Owo nya lebawo ke (What other god is there like unto You)
Mma’eno…o… (I have not seen)
Oj’ola l’alo le’mebe (He who gives us light to see)
Inyilowo k’okp’owoicho (Star of heaven)
Inyilowo no h’icho fiaje j’ola laleche dudududududududududududududududu (Star that shines in the heavens and gives light to all people)
Nk’awo chika ma’o…o… (I say You alone are worthy)
Ohonyeta eko k’akanya (Saviour in times of pain)
Ohonyeta eko k’ekema (Saviour in times of suffering)
Ohonyeta eko k’unwalu (Savior in times of trouble)
Ohonyeta eko k’unu (Saviour in times of war)
Ohonyeta eko k’emie (Saviour in times of famine)
Ohonyeta eko k’efie (Saviour in times of trouble)
Ohonyeta eko k’eha (Saviour in times of poverty)
Ohonyeta eko k’ekema dudududu (Saviour in times of all forms of trouble)
Awo fofunu ne o… (It’s only You)

Oh’onyeta eee… (Deliverer)
Ada k’um o… (My Father)
[Inyil’owo Inyil’owo] (Star, Star)
Awo chika ma o… (You alone are worthy)
[Oj’ola l’alo lemebe] (Who gives us light to see)
Oh’onyeta eee… (Deliverer)
[Oh’ofieta, Oh’onyeta, Oh’olagbata] (Deliverer of the slave, Saviour, Saviour of the prisoner)
Ada k’um o… (My Father)
[Ohonyeta eko k’okpeta] (Deliverer in times of famine)
Awo gbe fiedu ma o… (You are the greatest)

[Ol’ofiaje n’oge n’obu t’achi] (Bright light that chases darkness into the bush)
Oh’onyeta eee… (Deliverer)
[Oho nge wia]x3 (I am able to boast when You are with me,)x3 [Ohimini] (Deep waters)
Ada k’um o… (My Father)
Awo chika ma o… (You alone are worthy)
[Agaba’idu] (Honorable Lion), [Okpa k’oyeyi] (River of life)
Oh’onyeta eee… (Deliverer)
[Emkpo k’eye] (Water of joy}
Ada k’um o… (My Father)
Awo gbe fiedu ma o… (You are the greatest)

VIDEO: Sunnypraise Adoga
– Ohonyeta

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