DOWNLOAD: Sunnypraise Adoga – Mighty God [Mp3, Lyrics & Video]

Sunnypraise Adoga, Spirit of Victory
Sunnypraise Adoga, Spirit of Victory
Track No:3
Year of Release: 2020
Origination Country: Nigeria
Album:Spirit of Victory
Tracks: 16 songs

Sunnypraise Adoga – Mighty God

Sunnypraise Adoga has released a song titled “Mighty God”.

Sunnypraise Adoga’s song “Mighty God” is a powerful and uplifting gospel song that praises God for His might, majesty, and wonder. The song begins with a stirring introduction in tongues, followed by a verse that describes God as seated on His throne, seeing the earth below. Adoga sings of God’s mercy, His exceeding wonder, and His faithfulness in bringing His word to pass.

The chorus of the song is a simple but powerful declaration of God’s greatness: “Mighty God, Father You reign, Awesome God, that is Your name, Blessed Father, Spirit, Son, Holy God, three in one, We worship You.”

The second verse of the song reiterates the truth that God is mighty both above and below. Adoga sings of how God moved mountains in the past, and how He is still moving mountains today. He praises God as a consuming fire, whose deeds are exceeding.

The song concludes with a powerful bridge and chorus, in which Adoga repeatedly sings the name of God in adoration.

“Mighty God” is a song that is sure to inspire and uplift listeners. It is a reminder of God’s great power and love, and it is a call to worship Him in all His glory.

Some of the key themes of the song are:

  • The might and majesty of God: Adoga sings of God as a mighty and awesome God, whose power is unmatched. He is a God who reigns over all, and He is worthy of our worship.
  • The wonder and faithfulness of God: Adoga also sings of God’s wonder and faithfulness. He is a God who does things that are beyond our comprehension, and He is always faithful to keep His promises.
  • The importance of worship: The song is ultimately a call to worship God. Adoga reminds us that God is worthy of our praise, and He should be the center of our lives.

“Mighty God” is a song that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. It is a song that is sure to inspire and uplift listeners, and it is a song that will help us to focus on God’s greatness.

LYRICS: Sunnypraise Adoga
– Mighty God


Speaking in tongue
As you are seated on Your throne,
You see the earth below,
Ogbonene ee… (Merciful one)
Idago k’wo chaba… (Your wonder is exceeding)
As You wear the golden crown,
You bring Your word to pass,
Omanyamanya ee… (Consuming fire)
Uklo kuwo nwune (Your deed is exceeding)
Mighty God, Father You reign,
Awesome God, that is Your name,
Blessed Father, Spirit, Son,
Holy God, three in one,
We worship You,
Mighty God, Father You reign,
Awesome God, that is Your name,
Blessed Father, Spirit, Son,
Holy God, three in one,
We worship You.
As You are mighty up above,
You are mighty here below,
Ogbonene ee… (Merciful one)
Idago k’wo chaba… (Your wonder is exceeding)
As You moved the mountains then,
You are moving them today,
Omanyamanya ee… (Consuming fire)
Uklo kuwo nwune (Your deed is exceeding)
Mighty God, Father You reign,
Awesome God, that is Your name,
Blessed Father, Spirit, Son,
Holy God, three in one,
We worship You,
Mighty God, Father You reign,
Awesome God, that is Your name,
Blessed Father, Spirit, Son,
Holy God, three in one,
We worship You.
Mighty God
(Mighty God)
Mighty God
(Mighty God)
Mighty God
(Mighty God)
Mighty God
(Mighty God)
Mighty God
(Mighty God)
Mighty God
(Mighty God)
Mighty God
(Mighty God)
Mighty God
(Mighty God)
Mighty God
(Mighty God)
Mighty God
(Mighty God)
Mighty God……………
(Mighty God………….)
Mighty God, Father You reign,
Awesome God, that is Your name, (What a Mighty God we serve)
Blessed Father, Spirit, Son,
Holy God, three in one, (Three persons in one God, what a mystery You are)
Mighty God, Father You reign, (Marvelous in Your ways)
Awesome God, that is Your name,
Blessed Father, Spirit, Son, (You are blessed in all Your ways… oh God)
Holy God, three in one,
Mighty God, Father You reign, (You sit in the vaults of heaven)
Awesome God, that is Your name, (You sit in the firmaments above)
Blessed Father, Spirit, Son, (You sit on the circles of the earth)
Holy God, three in one, (Hold the world in Your hands, )
Mighty God, Father You reign, (And do, what no man could ever do)
Awesome God, that is Your name,
Blessed Father, Spirit, Son, (Mighty God You are)
Holy God, three in one, (What an awesome God we serve)
Mighty God, Father You reign, (Glorious in everything You do)
Awesome God, that is Your name,
Blessed Father, Spirit, Son, (The heavens bow to give… You praise… oh God, hehehe)
Holy God, three in one,
Mighty God, Father You reign, (And the earth must, )
Awesome God, that is Your name, (prostrate in adoration of You, )
Blessed Father, Spirit, Son, (who reign…)
Holy God, three in one
We worship You (hei… Speaking in tongue).

VIDEO: Sunnypraise Adoga
– Mighty God

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