DOWNLOAD: Sunnypraise Adoga – Ebenezer [Mp3, Lyrics & Video]

Sunnypraise Adoga, Spirit of Victory
Sunnypraise Adoga, Spirit of Victory
Track No:4
Year of Release: 2020
Origination Country: Nigeria
Album:Spirit of Victory
Tracks: 16 songs

Sunnypraise Adoga – Ebenezer

Sunnypraise Adoga has released a song titled “Ebenezer”.

“Ebenezer” is a song by Nigerian Christian singer Sunnypraise Adoga, released in 2020 as part of his album “Spirit of Victory”. The song is a declaration of gratitude to God for His faithfulness and goodness, even in the midst of trials and tribulations.

The title of the song comes from the Hebrew word “Eben-ezer,” which means “stone of help.” It is a reference to the stone that Samuel set up as a memorial to God’s victory over the Philistines (1 Samuel 7:12).

In the song, Adoga sings about how God has been his Ebenezer, helping him through every difficulty in his life. He declares that God is his rock, his fortress, and his deliverer. He also sings about how God has blessed him abundantly, and he is grateful for everything that God has done for him.


The song is a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness. It is a song that will encourage and uplift anyone who is listening.

LYRICS: Sunnypraise Adoga
– Ebenezer


Ebenezer e,
Unmovable mover,
God who exists,
Alone by Yourself,
My redeemer e,
Unchangeable Changer,
The most excellent,
God of all the earth
You are the God,
Who reigneth forever,
You made the heavens,
And all of the earth,
At the mention of Your name,
Every kneel must bow,
And every tongue,
They must confess
Ebenezer e,
Unmovable mover,
God who exists,
Alone by Yourself,
My redeemer e,
Unchangeable Changer,
The most excellent,
God of all the earth
You are the mighty Man of war,
Demons tremble,
At the mention of Your name,
When You show up, every sickness must go,
When You appear, every darkness must flee
Ebenezer e,
Unmovable mover,
God who exists,
Alone by Yourself,
My redeemer e,
Unchangeable Changer,
The most excellent,
God of all the earth
You exist alone,
All by Yourself,
You were never created,
You made all things new,
Impossible is nothing,
Before Your majesty,
Every kneel adore your greatness Lord,
Before You Lord,
All flesh must come,
Now we bow down in adoration,
And before You Lord,
All flesh must come,
To give You glory,
You alone are God,
Ebenezer e,
Unmovable mover,
God who exists,
Alone by Yourself,
My redeemer,
Unchangeable Changer,
Most excellent,
God of all the earth, haha
Ebenezer e,
Unmovable mover, ha,
God who exists oh,
Alone by Yourself,
You are my redeemer, eh,
Unchangeable changer,
The most excellent, hahaha,
God of all the earth,
Ebenezer eh, eh,
Unmovable mover,
God who exists alone by yourself,
You are my redeemer eh,
Unchangeable changer,
The most excellent, God of all the earth…

VIDEO: Sunnypraise Adoga
– Ebenezer

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