Album Title: From This Heart
Number of Tracks: 12
Album Artiste: Judikay
Released in: 2022

DOWNLOAD Album: Judikay – From This Heart [Full Album] [Songs Mp3 Audio]

Judikay – From This Heart [Full Album], Tracklist, Mp3 Download

Nigerian gospel singer and music minister released an album titled from this heart. The album was released in 2022, precisely on 10th June under Eezee Conceptz.

“From a Grateful Heart” is an album that consists of beautiful songs forming a 12 track project that will definitely serve as a source of blessing to many people all over the wowrld.

The tracks of the album include:

  1. One for me
  2. Mudiana
  3. No Fear
  4. Solid Rock
  5. Bow
  6. Have Your Way
  7. Daddy, You Too Much
  8. Keleya
  9. Your Grace
  10. Elohim
  11. Jesus is Coming
  12. Satisfied

The album has 1 hour 2 mins of playback time, spending enough time to bless souls in worship and praise of God.

Album Tracks

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